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Friday, November 19, 2010


Africa... Land of Our fathers...
You who knew pain when pain was still just a mystery...
You who gave birth to twins, Life and Death and is still writhing in pain...
How they loved you, How they mocked you...
You attract all kinds and reject all kinds...
Fertile, Strong Africa...
You are strength, Courage and are Brave...
You were like a woman in Exile, stripped of everything and left to die...
Bleeding you crawled from the desert, that dry and thirsty place...
So destitute you walked this path alone, with no fear in your eyes...
Doubted by All, mocked, ridiculed, despised...
Beaten, shunned from the world... You chose to embrace a Nation that was never thought to be worthy of humanity... You bore consequences for having a heart, Your sympathy and Love caused you so much grief and pain...
If they could see you now, the whole world resting at your doorstep...
Whoever thought such a day would come, when the whole world willingly, eagerly wants to rest at your bosom...

Can anything good come out of Africa? I'm sure that was the question on everyone's mind, well there it is...
You have managed to show hospitality, Love, appreciation and Kindness to the world..
Black, white, Asian, Coloured, all of them...

One small footstep for South Africa, One giant Leap for the whole of Africa... and One unforgettable experience for the Whole world...
Africa you have made us proud, Africa Our beginning but not the end...
You have shown us what it is to embrace that which resented you, what it is like to love when you are being rejected...
For a while the world wished you never were, a step child outside of wedlock...
A cousin no one wanted to talk about, a Brother who had potential and went astray...
Now you are the centre piece at a wedding table, a crown on a Brides head, the ring that symbolizes completeness...

You have become hope to the hopeless...
You smile at the face of adversary, you know when to walk away, you know when to stay...
You love eternally, forever...

When they leave they will know, and that will never leave their minds...

Suppose it changes their mind sets, suppose it doesn't... does it matter...
No not really, you are the bigger person...
With this I leave, having spectated from the side, I am glad and extremely happy I was a part of this...
Africa My beginning, but not my end..
I owe my existence to all the valleys, hills, the sky, the sun, the sea, the big five, shall I go on??? No I think you get the picture...
With this I leave you...

Continue to love, Continue to show them who you are, Continue to be that beacon of light to the whole world...

Africa I love you... Africa I am in awe... :)

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